About Us
PlantWorks is the UK’s resource for bio-fertilsers. Products are developed by a qualified group of microbiologists and horticulturalists and through collaboration throughout the UK’s academic base.
PlantWorks is the Uk’s only mass producer of mycorrhizal fungi and is one of Europe’s largest manufacturers, based at Kent Science Park and NIAB EMR. The company currently produces in excess of 100 tonnes of high grade inoculum every year and is managed by a core group of scientists with expertise in mycology, bacteriology and crop production.
In 2013 PlantWorks extended its product range through the introduction of a series of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). This group of bacteria cover functions from non-host specific nitrogen fixation to the generation of plant hormones.
QA is core to microbial production at PlantWorks, and the company operates to GMP standard, using defined SOPs with third party validation, including regular DNA profiling of bacterial strains.

Working with Academic and industrial partners: Our dedicated in house research team shares links and expertise with many UK and international universities and research institutes.
Including: Sheffield, York, Nottingham, Cambridge and Royal Holloway Universities, The James Hutton Institute and NIAB EMR. We also support dedicated farming related trials with ProCam, AGRII and directly with industry partners including Limagrain and Cotswold Seeds.